Socialministeriet har netop udsendt en litteraturliste over materiale, der er blevet anvendt til Familieretshusets faglige guidelines vedrørende forældre-fremmedgørelse.

Den 16. oktober 2024 bad Folketingets Socialudvalg om at få oversendt ”internationale vidensopsamlinger vedrørende forældrefremmedgørelse”.
Den 13. november 2024 svarede social- og boligminister (Socialdemokratiet) tilbage, at hun havde ”indhentet bidrag fra Familieretshuset, som har udarbejdet en liste over litteratur og forskning anvendt til udarbejdelsen af Familieretshusets faglige guideline vedrørende forældrefremmedgørelse”.
Den forholdsvis lange liste er gengivet i sin helhed herunder.
Listen er også føjet til ”Skilsmissefamilien”´s hjemmeside, hvor du kan finde masser af anden viden inden for andre emner (f.eks. samværsordninger) bestående af artikler, forskning og meget andet.
Amato, P. (2000). The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children: An Update. Journal of Marriage and Family. 62. 1269 - 1287. 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2000.01269.x.
Amato, P., & James, S. (2010). Divorce in Europe and the United States: Commonalities and differences across nations. Family Science. 1, 2-13.10.1080/19424620903381583.
Amato, P. R., & Keith, B. (1991). Parental divorce and the well-being of children: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 110(1), 26– 46.
Asen, E. & Morris, E. (2020). High-conflict parenting post separation. The Making and Breaking of Family Ties. Routledge
Baker, A. J. L., & Ben-Ami, N. (2011). To turn a child against a parent is to turn a child against himself: The direct and indirect effects of exposure to parental alienation strategies on self-esteem and well-being. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 52(7), 472–489.
Berman, R. & Daneback, K. (2020). Children in dual residence arrangements: A literature review. Journal of Family Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2020.1838317,
Bernet, W. (2020). The Five-Factor Model for the diagnosis of parental alienation Feedback. Journal of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland. 2020; 6:3-1
Bufdir, (2022). Utredning av saker etter barneloven hvor det er stans i samvær mellom barn og en forelder. Bufdir: BARNE- UNGDOMS- OG FAMILIEDIREKTORATET ISBN:978-82-8286-392-6
Dabkowska, M. & Araszkiewicz, A., Dabkowska-Mika, A. & Wiłkość-Dębczyńska, M. (2011). Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents. I Different views of Anxiety disorders. 10.5772/22672.
Dahl, M. D. & Ottosen, M. H. (2018). Notat. Kortlægning af viden om opdragelse. Delnotat 1-3. VIVE
DeJong, M. & Davies, H. (2013). Contact refusal by children following acrimonious separation: Theraputic approaches with children and parents. Clinical Child psychology and psychiatry 18 (185)
Drozd, L. M. & Olesen, N., W. (2004). Is it abuse, alienation and/ or estrangement? Journal of Child Custody 1(3), DOI: 10.1300/J190v01n03_05
Frafjord, J. F. (2024). Feilslått validering i samværskonflikter. Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening. 2. april 2024
Frafjord, J. F., Nygaard, A. B., Norbye, H., Moldestad, L., Sylvarnes, K. L. & Elvevoll, V. (2020). Samværsvegring Faglig forståelse og intervensjoner når barn avviser en forelder etter samlivsbrudd. Familievernet – Bufetat
Fidler, B. J., & Bala, N. (2010). Children resisting postseparation contact with a parent: Concepts, controversies, and conundrums. Family Court Review, 48(1), 10–47.
Garber, B. D. (2020). Sherlock Holmes and the case of resist/refuse dynamics: Confirmatory bias and abductive inference in child custody evaluations. Family Court Review, 58(2), 386– 402.
Garber, B. D. (2024). A structured rubric for evaluating the many systemic variables that can contribute to parent–child contact problems (PCCP). Family Court Review. Advance online publication.
Garber, B. D., Prescott, D. & Mulchay, C. (2022). The family law professional’s field guide to High-conflict litigation – dynamics, not diagnosis.
Gardner, R. A. (2002). Parental alienation syndrome vs. parental alienation: Which diagnosis should evaluators use in child-custody disputes? American Journal of Family Therapy, 30(2), 93– 115.
Jaffe, P., Crooks, C., & Bala, N. (2009). A Framework for Addressing Allegations of Domestic Violence in Child Custody Disputes. Journal of Child Custody. 6. 169-188. 10.1080/15379410903084517.
Jevne, K. & Andenæs, A. (2017). Parents in high-conflict custodial cases: Negotiating shared care across households. Child & Family Social Work. 22. 10.1111/cfs.12240.
Johnston, J. R. (2005). Children of Divorce Who Reject a Parent and Refuse Visitation: Recent Research and Social Policy Implications for the Alienated Child. In Family Law Quarterly, 38(4), s.757-775
Johnston, J. R. & Sullivan, M. J. (2020). Parental alienation: In search of common ground for a more differentiated theory. Family court review 58(2)
Johnston, J. R., Walters, M. G., & Olesen, N. W. (2005). Is it alienating parenting, role reversal or child abuse? A study of children's rejection of a parent in child custody disputes. Journal of Emotional Abuse, 5(4), 191–218.
Kelly, J. B. & Johnston, J. R. (2001). The alienated child: A reformulation of a parental alienation syndrome. Family Court Review 39(3), s. 249-266
Lee, S. M. & Olesen, N. W. (2001). Assesing for alienation in child custody and acces evaluations. Family Court Review. 39(3) s. 282-298
Meier, J. S. (2010). Getting Real About Abuse and Alienation: A Critique of Drozd and Olesen's Decision Tree. Journal of Child Custody. 7. 10.1080/15379418.2010.521032.
Meier, J. S. (2020). U.S. child custody outcomes in cases involving parental alienation and abuse allegations: what do the data show? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 42. 1-14. 10.1080/09649069.2020.1701941.
Polak, S., & Moran, J. A. (2017). The current status of outpatient approaches to parent-child contact problems. In A. M. Judge & R. M. Deutsch (Eds.), Overcoming parent-child contact problems: Family-based interventions for resistance, rejection, and alienation (pp. 63–90). Oxford University Press.
Pruett, M. K., Williams, T. Y., Insabella, G. & Little, T. D. (2003). Family and Legal Indicators of Child Adjustment to Divorce Among Families With Young Children. Journal of Family Psychology, 17(2), 169-180
Reiter, S., Hjörleifsson, S., Breidablik, H. J. & Meland, E. (2013). Impact of divorce and loss of parental contact on health complaints among adolescents. Journal of public health (Oxford, England). 35. 10.1093/pubmed/fds101.
Reuven‐Krispin, H., Lassri, D., Luyten, P., & Shahar, G. (2020). Consequences of divorce‐based father absence during childhood for young adult well‐being and romantic relationships. Family Relations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 70(2), 452–466.
Rowen, J., & Emery, R. (2018). Parental denigration: A form of conflict that typically backfires. Family Court Review, 56(2), 258–268.
Rygaard, N. P. & Rasmussen, P. D. (2021). Kort og godt om tilknytning. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.
Sandberg K. (2023). Shared parenting and father involvement after divorce in Denmark. Frontier Psychology. 7(14).
Social- Bolig- og ældreministeriet (2023). Aftale mellem regeringen og Socialistisk Folkeparti, Danmarksdemokraterne, Liberal Alliance, Det Konservative Folkeparti, Enhedslisten, Radikale Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti, Alternativet og Nye Borgerlige om et forbedret familieretligt system. Udgivet af Social- bolig- og ældreministeriet d. 30.11.2023
Steinbach, A. (2019). Children’s and parents’ well-being in joint physical custody: A literature review. Family Process, 58(2), 353–369.
Steinsvåg, P. Ø., Stokkebekk, J. & Frafjord, J. S. (2022). Begrepsbruk når det er langvarige vansker med eller stans i samvær. Bufdir
Van Dijk, R., van der Valk, I. E., Deković, M., & Branje, S. (2020). A meta-analysis on interparental conflict, parenting, and child adjustment in divorced families: Examining mediation using meta-analytic structural equation models. Clinical Psychology Review, 79, Article 101861.